The Social Light Movement Manifesto

'Light is a right, not a privilege'
'People before places'

The Social Light Movement (SLM) is a philanthropic movement and has been founded in order to create a network for lighting designers and other interested parties to collaborate on the issue of improving lighting for people: particularly those who are unlikely to have access to good quality illumination within their environment.

The SLM exists:

  • to demonstrate and to design well lit environments for social and underprivileged housing areas and people
  • to involve the community in the actual design of their own environment
  • to encourage other designers to work in similar environments and use similar methodologies
  • to educate housing associations, housing management teams and social housing ownership bodies about the benefits of good lighting
  • to gain the support of city administrations, urban planners, architects, landscape designers, electrical engineers, lighting designers and other associated disciplines
  • to create attention, arouse public opinion, influence politicians and decision makers
  • to promote responsible energy use within lighting design
  • to persuade people that they have the right to expect good lighting
  • to never use sodium

Vive La “Light Revolution”!